One should eat to live, not live to eat." ~ Cicero, Rhetoricorum LV
Yes, that's what they say, but it's really not easy to stay away from our favorite food. All of us love cheese cakes, sandwiches and a creamy milkshake but they can slowly make us add up pounds and once they have piled up, you might find it hard to get rid of at least 10 pounds quickly. However, there are many things you can do to lose weight, and as much as 10 pounds in two weeks' time if you are strict enough with the diet. Let me give you some tips about how to lose weight without much effort:
- Eat vegetables: This is the best way to lose weight. You don't need to go into a new diet if you eat many vegetables throughout the day, because they're a great way to lose weight. For example, for breakfast you can have a carrot, cucumber or a few of your favorite vegetables which can help you lose weight, for lunch you can have a chicken or fish salad (yes, you can eat fish and chicken too) and for dinner, you can have a salad with no chicken or fish or some vegetables and so on, just be creative. and you will start to lose weight very soon You should not eat anything else besides vegetables but you should hold on because this vegetable diet will only last for a week or two before you get to lose weight!
- Exercise: You know, getting exercise is very fun and rewarding too, mostly because it's a great way to lose weight! You should set your alarm to ring at six o'clock in the morning, grab your iPod where you have put your favorite songs, and go running on the park. This is one of the best ways ever to lose weight! You might hesitate at first to do this, but this can be very rewarding and it doesn't only help you to lose weight but it also helps your body to work better. You should also try to walk more everyday and get some exercise to lose weight, for example don't use the remote button for the TV but get up and use the TV buttons to switch the channel.
- Drink a lot of water: Water was granted to us by God and it's a gift so we should drink it as much as possible. Doctors say that water helps every function of the body and that is very true. You should drink the most water you can because this way you will not feel hungry and you will eat less, therefore helping you to lose weight. If you are not used to drinking a lot of water, although you really should, you can for instance buy a lot of bottled water, leave it on the fridge for a while and drink it while it's cold. You will love that water! And it will help you lose weight!
- Focus: Keep a journal and write your measurements everyday to see if you have started to lose weight. Set a goal and once you reach it, you will feel like you're on the seventh sky. You shouldn't let anything distract you while you are trying to lose weight and do not ever eat when you're nervous. Always punish yourself hard when you try to eat something you're not supposed to eat!
- Talk it out: Tell your best friend, sister or brother, parent or anyone else to whom you are close about your progress that you have made when struggling to lose weight. Letting it out can be quite encouraging but if you don't that anyone will be interested to hear you, don't talk to them and think about getting new friends.
All in all, you might have already known these tips about getting rid of some pounds but I bet that you never really used them. If you follow these tips carefully, you will be successful in one week or two but if you need to lose more pounds, you can stretch out the diet. Don't worry if two weeks pass and you don't lose ten pounds, it takes less time for some and more time for others. To your success and best of luck! It's because YOU CAN!
Read this marvelous eBook for more tips on losing weight!
Read this marvelous eBook for more tips on losing weight!